2013년 12월 10일 화요일

[WMSCOG] December 25 : the Birthday of Christ Ahnsahnghong

[WMSCOG] World Mission Society Church of God

 We believe Christ Ahnsahnghong & Heavenly Mother

The Teachings of Heavenly Mother are the core of the World Mission Society Church of God and allow the members to serve and deliver Heavenly Mother's love to all people around the world.

Want to know about Christ Ahnsahnghong?  Click Here!
Want to know about Heavenly Mother?  Click Here!
Want to know about Passover?  Click Here!

[WMSCOG] December 25 : the Birthday of Christ Ahnsahnghong

Press : Panorama
Date  : Dec 25, 2011

December25 : the Birthday of Christ Ahnsahnghong

By the World Mission Society Church of God

The World Mission Society Church of God was founded by Christ Ahnsahnghong in 1964 according to the prophecies of the Bible. The main doctrines of this Church are the Second Coming Jesus who comes in the flesh and the existence of God the Mother.
Christ Ahnsahnghong was born in 1918, began His preaching ministry in 1948 and passed away in 1985 after 37 years of ministry. This was to fulfill the prophecy of King David who had been anointed king at the age of 30 and had reigned 40 years (2 Samuel 5:4.) This work of King David had to be carried out by Jesus 2,000 years ago (Luke 1:30-31). But Jesus fulfilled His reign as the King of Universe for three years only when He was baptized at the age of 30 and was crucified at the age of 33 by those who denied Him. In this reason, Christ should come a second time in this last era to complete the remaining 37 years of Davids throne (Hebrews 9:27-28.)
The World Mission Society Church of God originated from South Korea and spread to the whole world. Currently, more than one million people believe in Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly Mother.
Christ promised to appear a second time in the east to bring salvation to those who are waiting for Him. The Church of God believes the Second Coming Christ who came in the flesh with a new name in this age (Revelation 2:17.) This Church celebrates the birth of Christ Ahnsahnghong on this day December 25, 2011.
Another purpose of His Second Coming is to restore the truth of life that was brought by Jesus 2,000 years ago and was abolished during the Dark Ages (John 14:26-29.) This truth of life includes the Sabbath and the seven feasts of three times including the Passover, etc. This truth preached by the World Mission Society Church of God should be kept by the 144,000 children of God.

[WMSCOG] Inspired UN through volunteer services to the world

[WMSCOG] World Mission Society Church of God

We believe Christ Ahnsahnghong & Heavenly Mother :)

Rev 22:17  The Spirit and the bride say, "Come" And let him who hears say, "Come!" Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of thwater of life.

Want to know about Christ Ahnsahnghong?  Click Here!
Want to know about God the Mother?  Click Here!
Want to know about Passover?  Click Here!


[WMSCOG] Inspired UN through volunteer services to the world

Press : El Pueblo
Date  : Dec 25, 2011

Have you ever heard about the World Mission Society Church of God?

Amir Dossal, Executive Director of the United Nations Office for Partnerships [UNOP], said, From the UNs perspective, we think you can change the world. We hope that the UN will work together with the Church of God. (June 30, 2010. http://www.un.org/partnerships/achieve.html)
The World Mission Society Church of God was founded by Christ Ahnsahnghong in South Korea in 1964. It has over 400 local Churches in Korea and around 2,200 Churches in 150 overseas nations.
The Church of God wants to help the world like the Good Samaritan, and has been carrying out volunteer activities everywhere in the world where the Church exists. In this way, the Church members spread the love of God Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly Mother and express their love by helping our neighbors in need.
The foundation of the members of the World Mission Society Church of God is based on the teachings of Christ Ahnsahnghong. Have you ever heard about the existence of God the Mother? And have you heard about the feasts of the new covenant? Do you know what place indicates Zion? What is the order of Melchizedek? Did you know that King David represents the Second Coming Christ as well as the First Coming Christ?
Since the eternal kingdom of heaven is near, all secrets sealed in the Bible are to be opened. Therefore, these issues cannot be treated lightly.
Today December 25, the Church of God is worldwide commemorating the birth of Christ Ahnsahnghong, the Savior in this era. Learning His teachings, you can understand the love of Christ and receive God within you. If you want to participate in the volunteer services or learn about the mysteries of the Bible, visit Tarapaca in street No. 100. Urb Maria Isabel. Cercado. Arequipa. Or you can call (054)281173.

2013년 12월 5일 목요일

[WMSCOG] The 94th anniversary of the sacred birth of Christ Ahnsahnghong

[WMSCOG] World Mission Society Church of God

We believe Christ Ahnsahnghong & Heavenly Mother :)

Have you ever heard about PASSOVER? 
 John 6:53  Jesus said to them, "I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him at the last day. For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink "
Matt 26:17  ...So the disciples did as Jesus had directed them and prepared the Passover... While they were eating, Jesus took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying, "Take and eat, this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins."

[WMSCOG] The 94th anniversary of the sacred birth of Christ Ahnsahnghong

Press : Ccampujiutmui
Date  : Jan 14, 2012

The World Mission Society Church of God conducted an environmental clean-up campaign for celebrating the 94th anniversary of the sacred birth of Christ Ahnsahnghong, the Holy Spirit

The World Mission Society Church of God held an environmental clean-up campaign in the area of Battambang. The Church said that this event was organized to celebrate the 94th anniversary of the sacred birth of Christ Ahnsahnghong, the Savior of the Holy Spirit age, and to spread the love and sacrifice of God who came a second time to the earth to save mankind. And it hoped to preach the New Covenant, the truth of salvation of God to lead all mankind to the kingdom of heaven.
On January 12, the clean-up activity was carried out in a park in Battambang Province in order to protect the life of people around the world from accelerated environmental pollution and raise awareness of environmental issues. Mr. Sokon, Mayor of Battambang, encouraged the Church members and expressed gratitude for this valuable activity.
The World Mission Society Church of God (Chief Pastor Kim Joo-cheol) originated from South Korea in the east from the ends of the earth and spread to the whole world. This Church believes in God the Mother as well as God the Father based on the Bible, and fully keeps the feasts and regulation of the New Covenant such as the Sabbath, the seven feasts of three times including the Passover, and Gods commandment about womens veil. Most especially, the WMSCOG endeavors to preach the truth about God the Mother who is the source of life and love, and is well known for its sincere and heartful volunteer services following the love of Mother. The Church of God has around 2,200 Churches in 150 countries around the world and the total number of the registered Church members amounts to 1.63 million.
December 25, 2011 was the 94th anniversary of the sacred birth of Christ Ahnsahnghong who had founded the Church of God. He was born in 1918 in South Korea and was baptized in the age of 30 in 1948 when Israel became an independent state, according to the prophecy of the fig tree. Since then, He preached the feasts and regulation of the New Covenant such as the Sabbath, the seven feasts of three times including the Passover, and Gods commandment about womens veil. Also, He unveiled the existence of God the Mother and ascended to heaven in February, 1985 fulfilling the prophecy of King David.
The World Mission Society Church of God believes in Christ Ahnsahnghong as the Second Coming Jesus, the Savior of the Holy Spirit era, who restored all feasts of the New Covenant established by Jesus Christ 2,000 years ago.

2013년 12월 4일 수요일

[WMSCOG] El Playon stayed shiny

[WMSCOG] World Mission Society Church of God

 We believe Christ Ahnsahnghong & Heavenly Mother

The Teachings of Heavenly Mother are the core of the World Mission Society Church of God and allow the members to serve and deliver Heavenly Mother's love to all people around the world.

Want to know about Christ Ahnsahnghong?  Click Here!
Want to know about Heavenly Mother?  Click Here!
Want to know about Passover?  Click Here!

[WMSCOG] "El Playon" stayed shiny A massive environmental clean-up campaign in the neighborhood of Medellin with the community involvement

Press : qhubo
Date   : Jan 16, 2012

How can't it get clean with so many people together like this? The clean-up activity of this day was carried out by 120 participants in the area of El Playon with tons of waste on the Street 124-52 in Medellin  This event was hosted by the World Mission Society Church of God and sponsored by the Environmental Protection Agency and several companies.

Nationwide campaign
The World Mission Society Church of God conducted this campaign simultaneously in many cities including Barranquilla, Cali and Bogota as well as Paisa. The representative of the World Mission Society Church of God in Medellin said, we hope that this activity will provide an opportunity to reduce the pollution and global warming problems, and to promote similar activities in the community.
The members of the World Mission Society Church of God participated in this clean-up campaign with pleasure from 8 a.m. to noon and gathered garbage bags with trash together in one place.
We are practicing a good Samaritan movement and celebrating the Second Coming of Christ. Many neighbors in El Playon also supported this clean-up campaign, said Tatiana Valencia (19) who joined this campaign. Lets go to the area where the clean-up activity took place, today. You will meet more clean and pleasant environment.

Upper: Good Samaritans, who participated in the clean-up campaign, wearing gloves, caps and scarfs are posing for the camera
Lower: All members are willingly carrying out the clean-up campaign. While collecting trash, a participant is enjoying improvising cart-carrying race, making the activity more pleasant. / Photos by Daniel Gonzalez

2013년 11월 30일 토요일

[WMSCOG] A Massive Environmental Clean-up Campaign in Itahari

[WMSCOG] World Mission Society Church of God

We believe Christ Ahnsahnghong & Heavenly Mother :)

Rev 22:17  The Spirit and the bride say, "Come" And let him who hears say, "Come!" Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of thwater of life.

Want to know about Christ Ahnsahnghong?  Click Here!
Want to know about God the Mother?  Click Here!
Want to know about Passover?  Click Here!


[WMSCOG] A Massive Environmental Clean-up Campaign in Itahari

Press : Moring Times
Date  : Jan 18, 2012

With the slogan Clean Eastern Province,Clean Nepal, a massive environmental clean-up activity was carried out in the city of Itahari.

The World Mission Society Church of God in the province of Eastern Nepal hosted a massive environmental clean-up campaign in Itahari for celebrating the sacred birth of Christ Ahnsahnghong. This event was held to remind that its the role of advanced citizens to clean up the neighborhood in which we are living with a united mind.

Around 700 members of the Church of God in the five major cities such as Birtamod, Damak, Biratnagar, Dahran and Itahari joined this event and started the clean-up activity from the Itahari Elementary School playground.

Youth members with brooms and bags wrapped up the activity by moving all trash collected to a specified place. They collected all trash in the city of Itahari and encouraged the public to participate in the environmental clean-up campaign.

For celebrating the sacred birth of Christ Ahnsahnghong, they held this event in Itahari which is transforming into a beautiful city, to emphasize the importance of environmental clean-up and to attract the attention of the citizens.

2013년 11월 28일 목요일

[WMSCOG] Environmental Clean-up Campaign by people who follow Christ

[WMSCOG] World Mission Society Church of God

We believe Christ Ahnsahnghong & Heavenly Mother :)

Have you ever heard about PASSOVER? 
 John 6:53  Jesus said to them, "I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him at the last day. For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink "
Matt 26:17  ...So the disciples did as Jesus had directed them and prepared the Passover... While they were eating, Jesus took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying, "Take and eat, this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins."

[WMSCOG] Environmental Clean-up Campaign by people who follow Christ

Press : Annapurna Daily
Date  : Jan 17, 2012

Itahari: The members of the World Mission Society Church of God gathered in Itahari, a hub city of eastern Nepal and carried out a massive environmental clean-up campaign focusing on commercial area on Monday. The purpose of this event was to proclaim the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Under the slogan Clean Eastern Province, Clean Nepal, a lot of people participated in this campaign.

The activity started from Itahari Elementary School playground. Around 700 members of the World Mission Society Church of God in the areas of Birtamod, Damak, Biratnagar, Dahran and Itahari joined this days environmental cleanup campaign, all wearing the same uniform.

2013년 11월 27일 수요일

[WMSCOG] Sharing the love of Christ and spreading the news of the sacred birth of Christ Ahnsahnghong through blood donation

[WMSCOG] World Mission Society Church of God

We believe Christ Ahnsahnghong & Heavenly Mother :)

Rev 22:17  The Spirit and the bride say, "Come" And let him who hears say, "Come!" Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of thwater of life.

Want to know about Christ Ahnsahnghong?  Click Here!
Want to know about God the Mother?  Click Here!
Want to know about Passover?  Click Here!


[WMSCOG] Sharing the love of Christ and spreading the news of the sacred birth of Christ Ahnsahnghong through blood donation

Press : Asian Voice Weekly
Date  : Jan 19, 2012

Blood donation is a valuable act of human kindness in saving lives. The members of the World Mission Society Church of God (Chief Pastor: Joo cheol Kim) plans to carry out a blood drive to save lives of people in jeopardy due to the shortage of blood supply.
This Church said that around 60 saints of the Church of God in Melbourne, located in Pascoe Vale, would visit the South bank Blood Donation Centre Melbourne to donate blood on Australia Day on Friday January 26.

 The Church of God planed specially this blood donation campaign for celebrating the sacred birth of Christ Ahnsahnghong who came a second time to save mankind.
The missionary of the Church of God explained the purpose of the event, saying, We planned this voluntary blood donation event to save lives of people dying due to lack of blood supply and to help alleviate the shortage of blood supply in Australia. He also added, The Second Coming Christ Ahnsahnghong came to this earth to preach the Passover of the New Covenant that gives eternal life to mankind. We also hope that people will hear the good news that God came to the earth through this blood drive.
According to a statistics survey, one of three Australian during their lifetime needs a blood transfusion. However, only one of thirty people donates blood. Only three per cent of the entire population participates in the blood donation every year.

 This group blood donation campaign of the Church God will help change the consciousness of people who have negative perception and significantly contribute to the change of consciousness towards blood donation and the expansion of the donor base. Mostly especially, it is expected to help eliminate the burning problem of blood shortages and save lives of emergency patients who require much blood.

 I have never participated in blood donation before and at first, I was nervous. However, now I look forward to it since it will contribute to saving a valuable life of someone. said MignonneMalan (25) from the Church of God showing excitement regarding the blood donation. And she added, I'm proud of spreading the love of God the Father Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother New Jerusalem. She said she would certainly participate in the blood drive on the 26th day of this month.

 The World Mission Society Church of God also held a blood drive at NSW Red Cross Blood Donor Center in Sydney on January 6. About 30 members of the Church of God participated in that event. One day before, on the 5th day of this month, their activities were on-air via the channel Radio 2000. 98.5 FM.

 The World Mission Society Church of God originated from South Korea in the east from the ends of the earth and spread to the whole world. Based on the Bible, the members of this Church believe in Christ Ahnsahnghong as the Second Coming Jesus, who restored the New Covenant truths that had been destroyed during the Dark Ages including the Sabbath day and the seven feasts of three times such as the Passover. They also believe in God the Mother who is the source of life and love.

 On December 25, 2011 (the 1st day of the 12th month in the lunar calendar), they held a service for commemorating the 94th anniversary of the sacred birth of Christ Ahnsahnghong and have been carrying out environmental cleanup campaigns and sharing and voluntary services simultaneously around the world before and after that day.

 The Headquarters is located in South Korea. The World Mission Society Church of God has 2,200 Churches in 150 countries and the number of the registered members amounts to around 1.63 million.

2013년 11월 26일 화요일

[WMSCOG] Blood drive by the Church of God in Colombia

[WMSCOG] World Mission Society Church of God

We believe Christ Ahnsahnghong & Heavenly Mother :)

Have you ever heard about PASSOVER? 

GOD Promised to Give Us Eternal Life through the Passover
 John 6:53  Jesus said to them, "I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him at the last day. For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink "
Matt 26:17  ...So the disciples did as Jesus had directed them and prepared the Passover... While they were eating, Jesus took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying, "Take and eat, this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins."

[WMSCOG] Blood drive by the Church of God in Colombia

Press : El Diario  
Date   : Jan 22, 2012

Blood drive by the Church of God inColombia

The World Mission Society Church of God celebrates its 94th anniversary in a very special way by conducting blood donation drive at the Bolivar Square on January 29. This activity, in conjunction with the Blood Bank of the University Hospital of San Jorge, will be held from 10:00 A.M.

Another event organized by the members of this Church is an environmental cleanup campaign.The event will be carried out at the Pradera Park in Dosquebradads with the support of Serviciudad (a public utility company.) This religious organization invites the community to participate in the volunteer community service activity, looking to conserve the natural environment and promote the quality of life.

2013년 11월 25일 월요일

[WMSCOG] Blood donation drive by the Church of God in Brazil

[WMSCOG] World Mission Society Church of God

We believe Christ Ahnsahnghong & Heavenly Mother :)

Rev 22:17  The Spirit and the bride say, "Come" And let him who hears say, "Come!" Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of thwater of life.


[WMSCOG] Blood donation drive by the Church of God in Brazil

Press : Gaucho
Date   : Jan 23, 2012


* Blood – The World Mission Society Church of God, in commemoration of the sacred birth of Christ Ahnsahnghong, hosts blood drive at the Porto Alegre Blood Center from 14:00 today.

Please contact
Davi (TEL: 3032-6040 and 8514-7227.)

2013년 11월 23일 토요일

[WMSCOG] The Church of God conducted a cleanup campaign

[WMSCOG] World Mission Society Church of God

 We believe Christ Ahnsahnghong & Heavenly Mother

The Teachings of Heavenly Mother are the core of the World Mission Society Church of God and allow the members to serve and deliver Heavenly Mother's love to all people around the world.

Want to know about Christ Ahnsahnghong?  Click Here!
Want to know about Heavenly Mother?  Click Here!
Want to know about Passover?  Click Here!

 [WMSCOG] The Church of God conducted a cleanup campaign

 Press : Coheiu ji Serjipi
 Date   : Jan 25, 2012

The World Mission Society Church of God invites the Sergipe Community to an environmental clean-up campaign in commemoration of the 94th anniversary of the sacred birth of Christ Ahnsahnghong. The campaign will be carried out simultaneously by 2,200 Churches in more than 150 countries.

This event will take place around Bandeira Square at 10:00 AM on next Sunday January 29. The participants will move along the course towards Neighborhood Suissa and, on their way, will collect trash on the streets to preserve the environment.

In 2011, the World Mission Society Church of God organized a clean-up campaign for the Passover in Orla da Praia de Atalaia. “The purpose of this year’s event is to practice the love of the Christ and to proclaim the appearance of God the Mother, who is the bride of God the Father, and the Second Coming Jesus,” said Moises, the pastor of this Church.

 The Church of God, found by Christ Ahnsahnghong in 1948, has more than 1.6 million members around the world and is practicing the teachings of the Second Coming Christ, the founder of this Church, and the love of God the Mother, the bride of God the Father. Last year, the Church of God received Lifetime 'Call to Service' Award, one of the highest awards conferred by U.S. President Barack Obama, as results of its beautiful voluntary actions.

The Church of God in Aracaju is located at Gararu Street, 948 in District Suissa.

2013년 11월 21일 목요일

[WMSCOG] Clean-up Activity for Announcing the Coming of the Christ

[WMSCOG] World Mission Society Church of God

We believe Christ Ahnsahnghong & Heavenly Mother :)

Have you ever heard about PASSOVER? 

GOD Promised to Give Us Eternal Life through the Passover
 John 6:53  Jesus said to them, "I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him at the last day. For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink "
Matt 26:17  ...So the disciples did as Jesus had directed them and prepared the Passover... While they were eating, Jesus took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying, "Take and eat, this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins."

 [WMSCOG] Clean-up Activity for Announcing the Coming of the Christ

Press : Periodeco de uniberso
Date   : Jan 30, 2012

Plaza Grande and its surroundings have been clean
Clean-up Activity for Announcing the Coming of the Christ
A Christian Church conducted a worldwide environmental clean-up campaign in Quito

With trash bags in one hand and yellow scarfs around their necks, around 130 members of the World Mission Society Church of God gathered to collect the waste on the streets of the historic center of Quito yesterday morning.

This activity, based on the doctrine of the belief on Christ Ahnsahnghong, is a worldwide clean-up campaign to proclaim “I have already come” which started from South Korea. And the event was held to promote the value of the environmental clean-up.

The Church members from Cuenca, Santo Domingo and Esmeraldas joined the campaign, which began around 10:00 a.m.

The participants were divided into several groups for different streets and each group consisted of 24 members. One group headed to “Garcia Moreno”, the other group to “Guayaqil” while another group went to “Espejo y Chile.”
The clean-up activity was carried out for about 2 hours, and ended with a dance after having food together.
The activity was attended by men, women, youth and students willingly.

[WMSCOG] I think…
Narcisa Simbaina, a saint
 I’m very pleased to join the campaign “I have already come.”

Daniela Andrade, a community member
 All brothers and sisters were divided into groups to sweep and clean the streets of Centro Historico.

2013년 11월 20일 수요일

[WMSCOG] The World Mission Society Church of God founded by the Second Coming Christ Ahnsahnghong

[WMSCOG] World Mission Society Church of God

We believe Christ Ahnsahnghong & Heavenly Mother :)

Rev 22:17  The Spirit and the bride say, "Come" And let him who hears say, "Come!" Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of thwater of life.


 [WMSCOG] The World Mission Society Church of God founded by the Second Coming Christ Ahnsahnghong

Press : poder edomex  
Date   : Feb 13, 2012

The World Mission Society Church of God was founded by Ahnsahnghong-nim in Korea in 1964, and its key messages are the second coming of Jesus as a man and the existence of God the Mother.

Christ Ahnsahnghong was born in 1918. He began His ministry in 1948 and ascended to heaven in 1985 after 37 years of ministry. This was to fulfill the prophecy of King David who was anointed to become a king and reigned for 40 years (see 2nd Samuel 5:4.) 

This prophecy was supposed to be fulfilled by Jesus 2,000 years ago. Jesus was baptized at the age of 30, but He was crucified by those who did not recognize Him and worked only 3 years as the King of the Universe.

Therefore the Christ should come again in this era to complete the remaining 37 years of David's throne (Hebrew 9:28.)

The WMSCOG started from Korea and spread to the whole world. Recently, millions of people believe in Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother who came to Korea in the flesh. Christ promised that He would appear a second time in the east to bring salvation to those who are waiting for Him.

For this reason, the Church of God believes in Jesus Christ who came a second time as a man with a New Name in these last days (Revelation 2:17 & 3:12.)

Actually you can find this Church in more than 150 countries throughout the world. The number of the registered Church members amounts to around 1.63 million and there are 2,200 Churches around the world.

Today, the world-wide members of the Church of God are preaching the existence of God the Mother.

It's prophesied in the Bible that God the Father are to reveal God the Mother.

Christ Ahnsahnghong taught His disciples the truth about God the Mother through the prophecies of the Bible, which is being preached by the World Mission Society Church of God today.

In the early 1950s, Christ Ahnsahnghong unveiled the existence of God the Mother through the topic "The last Adam and the last Eve."

He explained this truth clearly in notebooks written with His own hand.

So the Church of God is practicing the love of God the Father and God the Mother globally by providing financial assistance to neighbors in need and conducting the blood drives and voluntary activities.

Most recently, 400 members of this Church performed a clean-up campaign in the area "Cerro de la Estrella" in cooperation with the Iztapalapa autonomous government.

Besides, the WMSCOG has contributed to environmental conservation by hosting one-day clean-up campaigns in conjunction with different local governments in Mexico including Naucalpan, Puebla, Nuevo León, Jalisco and Guerrero.

[WMSCOG] Cleaning-up the River Selbe

[WMSCOG] World Mission Society Church of God

We believe Christ Ahnsahnghong & Heavenly Mother :)

Rev 22:17  The Spirit and the bride say, "Come" And let him who hears say, "Come!" Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of thwater of life.

[WMSCOG] Cleaning-up the River Selbe

Press : Udring Surning
Date   : Feb 14, 2012

On last Sunday, February 12, the clean-up of the River Selbe which flows through the city was conducted. This activity was co-hosted by the World Mission Society Church of God, the Secretariat of the Mayor, the Department of Environmental Protection and the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism. More than 700 bags of trash were collected through the clean-up campaign.

The sponsors of this activity including the Department of Environmental Protection, the  Sukhbaatar District and MonKhorus Constructions supported sacks, gloves, big pliers, pickaxes for breaking theice, and other cleaning tools.

Also, the members of the World Mission Society Church of God held the clean-up campaign of the River Selbe in March of this year.

2013년 11월 19일 화요일

[WMSCOG] The World Mission Society Church of God members cleaned up the River Selbe for celebrating the sacred birth of Christ Ahnsahnghong

[WMSCOG] World Mission Society Church of God

We believe Christ Ahnsahnghong & Heavenly Mother :)


Have you ever heard about PASSOVER? 

GOD Promised to Give Us Eternal Life through the Passover
 John 6:53  Jesus said to them, "I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him at the last day. For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink "
Matt 26:17  ...So the disciples did as Jesus had directed them and prepared the Passover... While they were eating, Jesus took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying, "Take and eat, this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins."

[WMSCOG] The World Mission Society Church of God members cleaned up the River Selbe for celebrating the sacred birth of Christ Ahnsahnghong

Press : Zuunii Medee
Date   : Feb 15, 2012

 The World Mission Society Church of God members cleaned up the River Selbe for celebrating the sacred birth of Christ Ahnsahnghong
 Proclaiming that the Second Coming Jesus Ahnsahnghong has already come to the earth while collecting 700 bags of trash
 On last Sunday, February 12, a clean-up activity to make the Ulaanbaatar more beautiful was carried out. The World Mission Society Church of God (Chief Pastor: Joo-cheol Kim), a global religious group,became a model for the Mongolian society by performing the clean-up campaign at around the River Selbe of Ulaanbaatar.

 This day, the missionaries and 500 members of the Church of God in Ulaanbaatar cleaned up the riverside of the River Selbe which flows through the city and were praised by its citizens.

The Second Christ Ahnsahnghong has already come to the earth, but many people do not know this fact. We prepared this event to proclaim that God the Holy Spirit came to this earth again to save mankind and to make the nature where we are living clean and beautiful,” said Pastor Kim, Yool-san of the Mongolian Association of the Church of God in Ulaanbaatar,who led the activity.

“I express my gratitude to many people who participated in the campaign with enthusiasm in this cold weather.”

The members of the Church of God and their friends partook in this clean-up campaign, which was started from the River Selbe near the U.S. Embassy. Besides, many local celebrities joined and showed keen interest in this day’s activity, including L. Baatartsogt,Chief Secretary of Mayor, Yu. Delgermaa,Chief of the Department of Environmental Protection, Batzaya, Vice Chief of the Department of Environmental Protection and managers of relevant departments, Ganbold, Chief of a Nature Conservation Association, D.Sumkhuu,a nature documentary director, B. Batdelger,Production Service Manager of the Sukhbaatar Ward Office and Burentugs managers, D. Enebish, Manager of Administrative Office of the Department of Environmental Affairs & Tourism, Bolormaa, Manager of the Department of General Affairs and Otgonbayar, Manager of the Department of Human Resources of “Mon Khorus” Constructions.

 The celebrities encouraged the church members who showed an example. L. Baatartsogt  Chief Secretary of Mayor,expressed gratitude to the Church, saying “Thank you for carrying out the clean-up campaign with a united and enthusiastic mind in this cold weather.”

 And Yu. Delgermaa  Chief of the Department of Environmental Protection, said, “Today, the World Mission Society Church of God, the Ulaanbaatar City, the Department of Environmental Protection and the Department of Environmental Affairs & Tourism of the City co-hosted the clean-up activity of the River Selbe. The Department of Environmental Protection carried out several clean-up campaigns along with the World Mission Society Church of God. Through the active clean-up activity with warm hearts, more than 500 members of the Church of God proved that we can see good results when we carry out things wholeheartedly.” This was his third participation in the clean-up campaign hosted by the Church of God. He showed an example by participating in the clean-up activity with a garbage bag and a big plier in his hands.

 D.Enebish, Manager of the Administrative Office of the Department of Environmental Affairs & Tourism, also praised the church members, saying “I would like to express my appreciation to many members of the Church of God that hosted this massive activity. Many people participated in the campaign with a united mind and heartily conducted the activity.

 Around 500 participants moved along the River Selbe in the direction of Zuun ail, Sukhbaatar Ward while collecting domestic wastes, empty bottles, vinyl and other trash to make the Capital City more beautiful. It’s not easy to conduct the clean-up activity on the weather of -20 degrees Celsius although they were wearing gloves, mufflers and hats.Most especially, they had hard time breaking ice and collecting the trash since there were many wastes frozen in the River. They collected lots of trash as many as more than 700 bags within 2 hours in spite of harsh conditions.

 The campaign“I have already come” to proclaim the coming of the Second Coming Jesus is spreading to the world.

 The World Mission Society Church of God,whose headquarters and main temple are located in Korea, keeps the Sabbath day,the seven feasts of three times such as the Passover and regulation on the women's head covering  It has around 2,200 Churches in 150 countries around the world and the total number of the registered Church members amounts to 1.63 million.

 The members of the Church of God believe in Christ Ahnsahnghong as God the Father, who restored the truth of the Passover of the New Covenant which had been abolished in 325 A.D. They also believe in Heavenly Mother, the reality of life and love, as the source of salvation.

 The World Mission Society Church of God has been carrying out this campaign since the 94th anniversary of the sacred birth of Christ Ahnsahnghong of the end of last year. For this, the Church of God has been performing various community services such as environmental clean-up campaigns, blood drives and campaigns to help unfortunate neighbors. In Mongolia, the Church visited a nursery-affiliated kindergarten to share school supplies, toys, mittens and mufflers with the children,and supported neighbors by supplying cooking oils, wheat flour and other daily necessities to 30 households in need.

Around 500 Church members are practicing the love of God to others.

 The Church members, wearing warm gloves,mufflers and hats, carried out the clean-up activity on the weather of -20 degrees. They prepared the activity systematically to break ice and to collect garbage frozen in the River with big pliers and pickaxes, and conducted the clean-up with the mind of a master. They collected lots of trash as many as more than 700 bags within 2 hours in spite of the cold wind.

 The members of the Church of God said that the activity was hard due to the cold but they gladly participated in this event to help the development of the communities and the country. They also said that they wanted to deliver the love of God to save mankind to the world through their good deeds.

 Such a massive clean-up campaign is not frequent in Mongolia. Moreover, it’s rare to find people performing a clean-up activity at the frozen River in February. In response, the Department of Environmental Protection and the Department of Environmental Affairs &Tourism of the Ulaanbaatar City, “Mon Khorus” Constructions and other agencies and organizations welcomed this event and supported gloves, big pliers,pickaxes for breaking the ice, and other cleaning tools including 700 garbage backs. The citizens also praised them, saying “You are doing good things to create a garbage-free environment.”

 In March of last year, around 500 members of the Church of God carried out a clean-up campaign before celebrating the Passover, one of the biggest feasts of this Church, and collected a huge amount of garbage. In addition, this religious group has been conducting the clean-up campaign at various places of the City regularly. In recognition of its contribution to creating clean and pleasant urban environment, the World Mission Society Church of God has received plaques of gratitude from relevant government agencies.

 Contact info of the Church of God : Click Here :)

Upper: Around 20,000 members of the Church of God, who hold titles and positions, pose for a picture with Mother at the Okcheon Go&Come Training Institute located in North Chungcheong  Province,Korea.

Lower:500 members of the Mongolian Association of the Church of God participated in the clean-up activity of the River Selbe as part of the campaign “I have already come” for celebrating the sacred birth of Ahnsahnghong-nim.

2013년 11월 18일 월요일

[WMSCOG] Clean-up campaign to clean the River Selbe carried out

[WMSCOG] World Mission Society Church of God

 We believe Christ Ahnsahnghong & Heavenly Mother

The Teachings of Heavenly Mother are the core of the World Mission Society Church of God and allow the members to serve and deliver Heavenly Mother's love to all people around the world.

Want to know about Christ Ahnsahnghong?  Click Here!
Want to know about Heavenly Mother?  Click Here!
Want to know about Passover?  Click Here!

[WMSCOG] Clean-up campaign to clean the River Selbe carried out

Press : Niigmiintoli Journal
Date  : Feb 15, 2012

 The World Mission Society Church of God, a global religious group, became a model for the Mongolian society by performing the clean-up campaign in central Ulaanbaatar. On February 12, the missionaries and around 500 members of the Church of God in Ulaanbaatar cleaned up the riverside of the River Selbe which flows through the city. “The Second Coming Christ Ahnsahnghong has already come to the earth, but many people do not know this fact. We prepared this event to proclaim that God the Holy Spirit came to this earth again to bring salvation to mankind and to make the nature where we are living clean and beautiful,” said Pastor Kim, Yul San of the Mongolian Association of the Church of God in Ulaanbaatar, who led the activity.

 The members of the Church of God and their families and friends partook in this clean-up campaign. Besides, many local celebrities joined and showed keen interest in this day’s activity, including L.Baatartsogt, Chief Secretary of Mayor,Yu.Delgermaa, Chief of the Department of Environmental Protection and managers of relevant departments, Ganbold, Chief of a Nature Conservation Association, D.Sumkhuu, a nature documentary director, B.Batdelger, Production Service Manager of the Sukhbaatar Ward Office and Burentugs managers, D.Enebish, Manager of Administrative Office of the Department of Environmental Affairs & Tourism,Bolormaa, Manager of the Department of General Affairs and Otgonbayar, Manager of the Department of Human Resources of “Mon Khorus” Constructions, and many other people from governmental agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and companies.

 L.Baatartsogt, Chief Secretary of Mayor,expressed gratitude to the Church saying “Thank you for carrying out the clean-up campaign with a united and enthusiastic mind in this cold weather.”And Yu.Delgermaa, Chief of the Department of Environmental Protection, said, “Today,the World Mission Society Church of God, the Ulaanbaatar City, the Department of Environmental Protection and the Department of Environmental Affairs &Tourism of the City co-hosted the clean-up activity of the River Selbe. The Department of Environmental Protection carried out several clean-up campaigns along with the World Mission Society Church of God. Through the active clean-up activity with warm hearts, more than 500 members of the Church of God proved that we can see good results when we carry out things wholeheartedly.” This was his third participation in the clean-up campaign hosted by the Church of God. He showed an example by participating in the clean-up activity along with the members of the Church with a garbage bag and a big plier in his hands.

 The participants moved along the River Selbe in the direction of Zuun ail, Sukhbaatar Ward while collecting domestic wastes, empty bottles, vinyl and other trash. It was challenge to conduct the clean-up activity on the weather of -20 degrees Celsius although they were wearing gloves, mufflers and hats. Most especially, they sometimes had difficulty breaking ice and collecting the trash since there were many wastes frozen in the River. They collected lots of trash as many as more than 700 bags within 2 hours in spite of harsh conditions.

 Such a massive clean-up campaign is not frequent in Mongolia where public environmental awareness is low. Moreover, it’s rare to find people performing a clean-up activity at the frozen River in February. In response, the Department of Environmental Protection of the UlaanbaatarCity, the Sukhbaatar Ward Office, “Mon Khorus” Constructions and other agencies and organizations welcomed this clean-up activity of the Church of God and supported gloves, big pliers, pickaxes for breaking the ice, and other cleaning tools including 700 garbage backs.

 The World Mission Society Church of God has been conducting the clean-up campaign at various places of the City regularly. In recognition of its contribution to creating clean and pleasant urban environment, the Church has received plaques of gratitude from relevant government agencies. In addition, the Church of God has been carrying out the campaign “I have already come” to proclaim the appearance of the Second Coming Jesus since the 94th anniversary of the sacred birth of Christ Ahnsahnghong of the end of last year. For this, the World Mission Society Church of God has been performing various community services such as environmental clean-up campaigns, blood drives and campaigns to help unfortunate neighbors.

2013년 11월 17일 일요일

[WMSCOG] Students and professors from Western University participated in the 1303rd Worldwide Clean-up Campaign

[WMSCOG] World Mission Society Church of God

We believe Christ Ahnsahnghong & Heavenly Mother :)

Rev 22:17  The Spirit and the bride say, "Come" And let him who hears say, "Come!" Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of thwater of life.

[WMSCOG] Students and professors from Western University participated in the 1303rd Worldwide Clean-up Campaign

 Press : Rasmei Kampuchea Daily
 Date   : Mar 04, 2012

 Students and professors from Western University participated in the 1303rd Worldwide Clean-up Campaign

 Recently, the World Mission Society Church of God in Kampong Cham carried out the 1303rd Worldwide Clean-up Campaign. Around 100 people consisting of the members of the Church of God and the students and professors from Western University participated in the clean-up campaign to make people conscious about the seriousness of global warming and environmental pollution and to protect the life of mankind from various disasters by winning sympathy and participation of the people of the world in the clean-up activities.

 The Church of God, the host of the clean-up campaign, said that the purpose of the event was to practice the love of the Passover of the New Covenant which was restored by the Second Coming Jesus Ahnsahnghong for the salvation of mankind. Also, the Church added that the event was for raising the awareness of Cambodian people about global warming and environmental pollution.

 The clean-up campaign including this event took place simultaneously in around 2,200 areas in 150 countries where the World Mission Society Church of God was present. According to Chief Pastor Joo cheol Kim and the Church of God, the Clean-up Campaign before the Passover would last until early April to revive the dying environment of the Earth. Also, the Church disclosed that the purpose of the activity was to prepare the Passover Assembly for celebrating the sacred birth of Christ Ahnsahnghong.

The World Clean-up Campaign has been held about 100 times every year. The total number of the clean-up campaigns carried out from 2001 to January 2012, not including small-scale campaigns which have not been counted, amounts to as many as 1,272. These activities contribute to change environmental awareness of the world as well as to make the polluted Earth clean.

The World Mission Society Church of God in Kampong Cham and the students and professors from Western University collected garbage along the riverside of River Mekong near the Kisona bridge in Kampong.